Welcome! We hope you will join us on our mission to know, love and live the Eucharist.
Know the Eucharist.
"God so loved the wolrd that he gave his only begotten son." John 3:16
The Eucharist is Jesus, the eternal Son of the Father–given as a sacrifice for the salvation of the world; given as food, that we might be nourished by the very life of God.
Our mission is to know Jesus in the Eucharist, to personally encounter him through the celebration of the Mass, supported by a commitment to study of scripture, catholic teaching and tradition of prayer.
Love the Eucharist.
"This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me.” Luke 22:19
The Eucharist is Jesus who gives himself to us in the greatest act of love. The most appropriate response to this love is for us to love him in return, to give our lives to him in return.
Our mission is to love Jesus in the Eucharist through participation in Sunday and Holy Day Masses, as well as other Eucharistic devotions such as prayerfully visiting Jesus, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament, reposed in the tabernacle or exposed in the monstrance.
Live the Eucharist.
"As I have loved you, so you also should love one another." John 13:34
The Eucharist is Jesus who we are made one with when we receive him in Holy Communion. When we love others as he has loved us, the mystery of the Eucharist is fulfilled in us–we become the Body of Christ, broken and offered for the salvation of the world.
Our mission is to live like Jesus in the Eucharist by regularly laying down our lives in works of mercy such as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and visiting the sick. We strive to share the love of Jesus with our neighbors through our words and actions.
Become part of our parish family and mission. Register today!
Please see online registration form below.
Paper copies are also available in the Narthex at St. Joseph and the Parish Office at St. Mary. We are excited to have you as a member of our community!