Blessed is She
Location: St. Joseph Theology Rm.
Day & Time: 2nd Saturdays from 9:00-11:00 am
Ministry Contact: Tina Schunemann
Blessed Is She is a women's ministry that encourages women to grow in faith and community as blessed daughters and sisters in Christ. Blessed conversations are held once a month. Come to learn, grow, and share your Catholic journey with your faith sisters.
Guardian Angels Group
Location: St. Mary Parish Life Center Lower Level
Days & Times: 1st Mondays from 6:00-8:00 pm
Ministry Contact: Mary Hall
Formation group to do a consecration to your guardian angel, a movement of Opus Sanctorum Angelorum.
Knights of Columbus
Location: Knights of Columbus in Lanesville
Day & Time: Second Tuesdays at 6:00 pm
Ministry Contact: Larry Bauer
The Knights of Columbus was founded in 1882 by Father Michael McGivney to help Catholic men and their families. Today our local council, Pope John Paul II, #1808, continues that mission in serving the Catholic parishes of Harrison County, Indiana. The Council does this through our active faith, support of the local community and families, and the fellowship we share as Brother Knights.
Men's Faith Sharing Group
Location: St. Mary Parish Life Center
Day & Time: 1st Sundays at 6:30 pm September - May
Ministry Contact: Stewart Toney
The men's faith sharing group meets on the first Sunday evening most months from October through May. Our meeting is in the lower level of The Parish Life Center at St Mary at 6:30 pm. The evening is one of prayer, and discussion of: Scripture, the Catechism, Catholic books, DVD or online resources. It's an opportunity to discuss our faith and share it with fellow brothers in Christ. Men can participate as much as desired. Approximately an hour is given to our topic and discussion, followed by social time with snacks and refreshments. New members are always welcomed.
Men's Lenten Prayer Breakfasts
Location:St. Mary & other local churches
Days & Times: TBA
Ministry Contact: Jerry Reinhardt
Men from churches in Franklin Township gather each week during Lent to spiritually focus on the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This breakfast series is for men and their sons so that they may fellowship with other men seeking a closer relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Each week includes breakfast and a guest witness speaker. Please consult the bulletin for the schedule of dates, times and locations.
OCIA Team Member
Location: St. Joseph
Day & Time: Wednesday 6:30-8:00 pm
Ministry Contact: Joe Fey
OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) team members volunteer to sponsor those who are going through the process of formation to enter into the Catholic Church.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
Location: St. Mary Parish Life Center Cafeteria Classroom
Day & Time: Sundays from 9:15-10:45 am
Ministry Contact: Chuck Lynch
This group gathers in the cafeteria classroom to study the weekly readings and reflect on the Gospel. We are supported each week by a 6-minute video, "Opening the Word," and handouts from FORMED. Another handout, "Bringing Home the Word," from Liguori Press is also used. Prayer and faith sharing are a major part of this time together. The strength of faith gained from community is most evident.
Thursday Morning Bible Study
Location: St. Mary Parish Life Center
Day & Time: Thursdays from 9:15-10:15 am (Fall and Winter)
Ministry Contact: Joe and Pat Wuerth
This group is currently using the Little Rock Bible Study series to focus on the Acts of the Apostles.
Tuesday Morning Women's Bible Study
Location: St. Joseph Fr. Pius Rm.
Day & Time: Tuesdays 10:30 am-12:00 pm
Contact: Becky Eckart
This group is currently studying the Book of Genesis in the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible.
Tuesday Afternoon Women's Bible Study
Location: St. Peter Chapel Hall
7780 Buena Vista Rd SE, Elizabeth, IN 47117
Day & Time: Tuesdays at 1:00 pm
Ministry Contact: Dorothy Stemm
New study beginning 8/29, Courageous Women of the Bible by Stacy Mitch. Please also bring a Bible with you. All are welcome.
Widows, Widowers, and Senior Singles
Location: St. Mary Parish Life Center (some offsite meetings/events)
Day & Time: Usually the 3rd Sunday of the month at 12:30 pm
Ministry Contact: Clara Foushee & Susan Wohlfarth
We are a social group that meets almost every month to share food and fun with those who have experienced loss in their lives or are single. We all benefit by supporting and encouraging each other. We are always open to new members and to bringing a guest at any time. The core gatherings involve a pitch-in lunch (every meeting), guest speakers, and planning for special outings or interest groups. We learn something NEW from one another every time we meet and have great food to share! The gifts that each member brings have enhanced our lives!
Altar Servers (Youth & Adult)
Location: St. Joseph & St. Mary
Days & Times: 8:00 am Friday School Mass, 5:00 pm Saturday Mass, 8:00 am & 11:00 am Sunday Mass & during Funeral Masses
Ministry Contact: Brian Schunemann
Youth and adults who are formed in the Ministry of Altar Serving offer support not only with serving the Mass and the rituals of the funeral liturgy, but also through their prayerful presence during the liturgical celebration. Training is provided.
Eucharistic Adoration
Location: St. Joseph
Days and Times: Mondays 8:00 am-8:00 pm, Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 pm & Fridays (during the school year) 9:00 am-1:30 pm
Ministry Contact: Colleen Keller
St. Pope John Paul II stated, "The Eucharist is the heart of the Church. Where Eucharistic life flourishes, there the life of the Church will blossom." Eucharistic Adoration is an essential component of the prayer life of St. Joseph. We are always looking for more regular Adorers who can committ to an hour spent before the Blessed Sacrament.
Location: St. Mary
Ministry Contact: Mike Seng
Day and Time: Wednesdays 3:00 - 8:00 pm
Jesus becomes our focal point during Adoration, as Jesus’ Body is exposed on the altar and available to us spiritually as we enter into private prayer. It is during this time of adoring Christ that we learn to listen and be with Christ. During Adoration, we “watch and wait” and open ourselves to the grace of the Eucharist. We are always looking for volunteers to commit to a Holy Hour each week. Eucharistic Adoration is your time to be still and enjoy the company of Jesus!
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Location: St. Joseph & St. Mary
Days & Times: 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday at St. Joseph, 8:00 am Mass on Sunday at St. Mary & 11:00 am Mass on Sunday St. Joseph
Ministry Contact: Kevin Boone
“Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion” is the formal title of laypeople who distribute the Eucharist during Mass. Training is provided. Please see the Guidelines for Extraordinary Ministers here.
Location: St. Joseph
Days & Times: Before 5:00 pm Mass on Saturdays and 11:00 am Mass on Sundays
Ministry Contact: Katie Warren
Our greeters welcome regular members and visitors with a smile as they arrive for Mass.They help distribute bulletins and worship aids and answer any questions people may have about the parish.
Location: St. Mary
Days & Times: Before 8:00 am Mass on Sundays
Ministry Contact: Parish Office
Our greeters welcome regular members and visitors with a smile as they arrive for Mass.They help distribute bulletins and worship aids and answer any questions people may have about the parish.
Holy Rosary
Location: St. Joseph
Days & Times: 30 minutes before 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday & the 11:00 am Mass on Sunday & at the Corydon Town Square in October
Ministry Contact: Mary Hall
The Rosary is an important part of the prayer life at St. Joseph. Join us before weekend Masses as we pray together as a community for the intercession of our Blessed Mother.
Location: St. Mary
Days & Times: Following 8:00 am Mass on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and before 8:00 am Mass on Sunday
Ministry Contact: David & Esther Wheatley
A long-standing tradition of St. Mary Church, the faithful gather together on Sunday mornings to pray the rosary (now before 8:00 am Mass). Led by members of our community, this beautiful prayer devotion is both a public prayer and a meditative prayer. The power of the rosary is beyond description.
Location: St. Joseph & St. Mary
Days & Times: 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday at St. Joseph, 8:00 am Mass on Sunday at St. Mary & 11:00 am Mass on Sunday St. Joseph
Ministry Contact: Chuck Lynch
Lectors assist in proclaiming the Word of God during the Mass or other parish liturgies. The effective proclamation of the readings increases the spirituality of the entire parish. In addition, we increase our own personal spirituality through prayer and the study of scripture.
Music Ministry
Location: St. Joseph & St. Mary
Choir Rehearsals: Mondays at 7:00 pm in the St. Mary Choir Loft for both choirs and one hour before Sunday Masses when scheduled to sing (7:00 am for St. Mary and 10:00 am for St. Joseph)
Ministry Leads: Kim Allen and Michelle Nalley
If you are interested in music ministry, there are several different ways to get involved. We are always looking for volunteer cantors and instrumentalists as well as choir members.Learn more, and sign up at thislink.
Purgatory Society
Location: St. Joseph Hillman Rm.
Days & Times: 4th Tuesday at 6:00 pm
Ministry Contact: Molly Whooley
We gather to pray for all the holy souls in purgatory. Anyone attending has a chance to mention the names of their loved ones that they would like to be included In prayer. Our gathering lasts just about an hour. Everyone is welcome.
Location: St. Joseph
Days & Times: Saturdays before 5:00 pm Mass & Sundays before 11:00 am Mass
Ministry Contact: Irene Shields
Sacristans arrive about 40 minutes before Mass to prepare the altar and sanctuary. Before Mass begins, the sacristan prepares the bread and wine to be consecrated during the liturgy and sets out the proper linens and vessels. After Mass, the sacristan returns the sacred vessels and articles for worship to their proper places. We will provide training to anyone who is interested in being a sacristan.
Location: St. Mary
Days & Times: Sunday before the 8:00 am Mass
Contact: Chuck Lynch
Our sacristans assist in the immediate preparation for Mass and help return all items and vessels to their designated locations after Mass.
St. Anne's Altar Society
Location: St. Mary Parish Life Center
Day & Time: 3rd Thursdays at 7:00 pm
Ministry Lead: Helen Lhotka
We welcome all women of either parish, 18 and older, to join the Altar Society. Our purpose is to support the parish, parish families and the community. We support the needs of the church building (decorating, vestments, linens, furniture and the cleaning of the church).
Location: St. Joseph
Days & Times: During the 5:00 pm Mass & the 11:00 am Mass
Ministry Lead: Katie Warren
The ushers help with the collection during Mass.
Locations: St. Mary & St. Joseph
Ministry Contact: St. Mary - Lynn Harbeson, St. Joseph - Elizabeth Johnson
We are looking for individuals, families or groups who would be willing to lend a helping hand by adopting a flowerbed at St. Mary or St. Joseph. Our main goal is to keep the beds weeded and the plants trimmed, but there are also opportunities to mulch, plant annuals and get creative if that interests you!
Arts & Environment
Location: St. Joseph
Ministry Contact: Tina Schunemann
The Church celebrates the liturgy in a holy environment using an abundance of signs, symbols, and rituals that support prayerful worship. This ministry provides appropriate decoration for the church, in keeping with the liturgical seasons. Tasks include the care and placement of Altar linens and candlesticks, tabernacle flowers & special occasion flowers, and liturgically appropriate church décor for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter & other feasts & memorials.
Church Cleaners
Location: St. Joseph
Ministry Contact: Dawn Lewis
Date & Time: Once a month
There are four teams of Church Cleaners who volunteer approximately once a month for 1-2 hours to clean the entry, Narthex, church, vesting room and restrooms. Cleaning tasks include sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, and sanitizing. A checklist and training will be provided. Each team needs at least three people, and we are currently in need of additional team members
Communion to the Sick & Homebound
Location: St. Joseph
Ministry Contact: Brian Schunemann
St. Joseph has a small group of volunteers that take the Eucharist to Cedar Court, Harrison Springs, Indian Creek and Harrison Health & Rehab and a handful of our homebound parishioners.
Location: St. Mary
Ministry Contact: Deacon Rick Cooper
This group takes the Eucharist to the homebound and those living at Guerin Woods and Beehive Homes Assisted Living.
Funeral Meals
Location: St. Joseph
Ministry Contact: Eileen Franks
St. Joseph's Comfort (Funeral) Meal Ministry serves and provides meals for families following funerals that take place at St. Joseph.
Location: St. Mary
Ministry Contacts: Cindy Phelps & Christine Myrick
St. Mary Church is pleased to offer the Funeral Meal ministry for those who experience the death of a loved one. Following each funeral Mass in our parish, family and friends of the deceased are invited to the Parish Life Center cafeteria for a meal and fellowship, provided at no charge to the family. Volunteers are needed to help prepare the meal or to donate desserts. The ministry is a gift to the bereaved, allowing them time to relax and enjoy the company of loved ones and friends.
Location: St. Joseph Quilt Room
Day & Time: Wednesdays from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Ministry Contact: Marilyn Thieneman
The St. Joseph Quilters create handstitched quilts to be auctioned off at school/church fundraisers throughout the year. The quilt room provides a dedicated space with all of the necessary equipment for the quilters. No experience is necessary to join. You may come for all or part of the quilting sessions.
Location: St. Mary Quilt Room
Day & Time: Wednesdays from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Ministry Lead: Martha Schmelz
The St. Mary quilting group meets every Wednesday in the Parish Life Center in Room 101. The quilts produced are raffled at our annual Parish Picnic. The quilters bring their lunch, but participants come and go as their schedules permit. Some men and women work from home (cross stitch quilt tops, embroidered or cross stitch blocks are available to be worked at home). Non-quilters are encouraged to come and learn. Someone is always glad to teach.
St. Mary Parish Picnic
Location: St. Mary
Ministry Lead: Barry Geswein
Each year, the Parish Picnic serves as the premier fellowship and fundraising event in our parish community. The picnic takes place on the second Sunday of August, and all parish families are needed to help make it happen. Details and specific volunteer roles are announced in the summer months leading up to the picnic.
Blessing Box
Location: St. Joseph
Ministry Contact: Deacon Tim Elder
The Blessing Box is located outside of St. Joseph near the steeple and the tabernacle. It is filled with donations of certain food and hygiene items. To view a list of items to donate, click here.
Breaking Bread Food Pantry
Location: St. Mary
Ministry Contact: Mary Eisert
St. Mary Catholic Church operates a food pantry for those in need. The pantry is located in the basement of the Ripperger Community Service Center below the Parish Office. Donations of food and cash are gladly accepted. Volunteers to assist with organizing and distributing food are also appreciated. The food pantry is open every Tuesday from 4:00-6:00 pm and every Saturday morning from 9:30-11:30 am.
Helping Hands Clothing Closet
Location: St. Mary
Ministry Contact: Rhodie Schneider
The Helping Hand Clothes Closet, a St. Mary Parish ministry, endeavors to clothe the community in need. We supply clothing of all sizes, coats, shoes, backpacks, and toys. The clothes closet is located on the main floor of the Ripperger Community Service Center below the Parish Office. It is open every Tuesday from 3:30-5:30 pm. All volunteers are welcome; a shift works best with 2-3 volunteers.
Pro-Life Committee
Meeting Location: St. Mary
Ministry Contact: Rosemary Roberts
The Pro-Life Committee’s mission is to educate our community and build pro-life support and values in order to protect all innocent human life from conception until natural death. We always welcome and encourage participation in our committee’s work.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Meeting Location: St. Joseph
Days & Times: Third Thursdays at 6:30 pm
Ministry Contact: Deacon Tim Elder
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul harnesses the power of community and partnerships to feed, clothe, house and heal individuals and families in our community who have nowhere else to turn for help. As important, SVdP provides meaningful opportunities for volunteers to serve their neighbors in need with love and compassion. SVdP invites anyone from Corydon, Bradford, Frenchtown, Lanesville or Marengo parishes in joining us in this mission. There are three options for membership: Active Membership, Associate Membership, and Volunteers. You are welcome to join us at our monthly meetings to observe and ask questions. We can also arrange for you to join us virtually.
Location: St. Mary
Day & Time: 9:15 -10-:45 am
Ministry Contact: Joe Fey
Our K-5 Faith Formation Classes are led by faithful volunteers who love working with children to bring the Catholic faith to life through creativity, study, and fellowship.
Vacation Bible School Volunteers
Location: St. Michael, Bradford
When: June
Ministry Contact: Joe Fey
Vacation Bible School is a collaborative effort between area parishes that takes place at St. Michael in Bradford. Many volunteers are needed to assist during this week of faith and fun!
Youth Fellowship Meals
Location: St. Mary Youth Rm.
Dates & Times: Sundays before 4:00-6:00 pm Youth Group
Ministry Contact: Katie Warren
Our high school youth group always begins their time together on Sundays sharing a fellowship meal. Meals feed approximately 20-25 people and are dropped off shortly before 4:00 pm. To sign up to provide a meal, please visit this link.
Youth Ministry Volunteers
Location: St. Mary & St. Joseph
Day & Time: As needed
Ministry Contact: Katie Warren
We are always looking for volunteers to help with Youth Ministry as chaperones and mentors. In addition, we appreciate those who can help with our fundraising events throughout the year including our Valentine's Dinner and Dance, Yard Sale, and Beach Ball Dinner and Dance.
Organization Code: Archindy2021
Training available at:
The Archdiocese of Indianapolis utilizes Safe Parish as part of its ongoing commitment to the care and protection of children.
All priests, deacons, employees of parishes, schools and agencies of the archdiocese, and volunteers who have contact with children are required to complete the training prior to their first day of employment, service or ministry, even if they have taken Virtus or other child protection programs at another Diocese or Archdiocese.
Training is valid for 5 years at which time you will be required to re-certify in order to continue your status in the Archdiocese.
The course is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week at w
Thank you in advance for your participation in this training and your commitment to the protection of children. Please contact the Human Resources office of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis at [email protected] if you have any questions.