The St. Mary Youth Room is located on upper level of the Parish Life Center, Once you enter the building, go to the last door on the right.
Location: St. Mary Parish Life Center
Day & Time: First Tuesday at 6:30 pm beginning Oct. 3, 2023
For: Those who have gone through RCIA or those who are considering it
Contact: Joey Fey
Phone: (386) 747-2889
Email: [email protected]
There is a new catechetical ministry forming for the Catholic Community of St. Mary and St. Joseph. It will be called RCIA ECHO. “Catechesis” is derived from the Greek word meaning "to echo or resound"". The word echoed or resounded through catechesis is the "Word of God made flesh” - Jesus Christ, and He gives us His "Word" through Sacred Scripture.
Many newly Baptized and/or Confirmed Catholics stop practicing their faith after a few years. This could be because of a lack of interior conversion to Christ, or because of insufficient support and connection with other Catholics of the wider parish community. When the RCIA experience ends, the new Catholic may find themselves unaccompanied, alone or surrounded by many who may not be supportive of their new faith. Learning the Catholic faith is a lifelong journey, especially in a world ever more hostile to the basic premises of Christianity. The need for pastoral care is every bit as great as when they were going through the RCIA process to become Catholic.
RCIA ECHO will give individuals a chance to continue the exploration of the Catholic faith through prayer, study, and active discussions. Please make plans to join us in this new ministry. Gatherings will be held at St. Mary, Lanesville on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m., beginning October 3, 2023. This program is open to anyone who has ever gone through the RCIA program and for those who may be considering it.